‘Gravity and Radiance’ Trailer

Gravity and Radiance 30min, 2021 (Exhibition Version)
Gravity and Radiance: The full testament 72min, 2022 (Theatrical Released Version)

Screening Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions Tokyo Photographic Art Museum 2022, Tokyo
Solo Exhibition The 15th Shiseido art egg - Gravity and Radiance’ at Shiseido Gallery 2021, Tokyo
Group Exhibition ‘Home Sweet Home’ at The National Museum of Art, Osaka
Theatrical release in Image forum and across Japan 2022

An experimental documentary following survivors of homelessness, abuse, and crime who find salvation in an NPO run out of a Baptist church in backroad Japan and stage a Passion Play of their own.


The parishioners at a small Baptist church in Kitakyushu, Japan have walked through hell on earth.

They hail from difficult backgrounds of crime, homelessness, abuse, and depression, yet have all found salvation through an NPO run by pastor Tomoshi Okuda.

Gravity and Radiance is an experimental documentary that follows this close-knit community as together they stage a Passion Play, interwoven with interviews in which they reflect on the redemption they have found in their own lives. Inspired by French philosopher Simone Weil’s Gravity and Grace, the documentary explores themes of suffering and forgiveness, sorrow and joy.

Director Umi Ishihara initially lived in a room atop the church for a few weeks in 2017 on the invitation of a friend. Moved by the experience, she relocated to the area and became more actively involved in the group. The result is an intimate record of her time spent living among this unique community, filmed over a two-year period between 2020 and 2022.

Director Statement

I wasn’t sure what I wanted when I decided to move to Kitakyushu. I felt lost, or rather, I was tired. It was time for a change. I remembered how a few years earlier I had crashed at a church run by my friend’s parents. Far from the hectic world I knew in Tokyo, it seemed like a good place to decamp and consider the next step. I guess I was looking for salvation.

My friend’s father is a pastor who runs an NPO support group for the underprivileged and victims of abuse. As I learned more about these men and women from all walks of life, I knew I wanted to create something together with them. I wanted to share their stories—deeply flawed and endearingly human.

Gravity and Radiance combines interviews with the diverse parishioners and a play they staged depicting the Passion of Christ. In a dark hour, when the unremitting gravity of life had dragged me to the brink of despair, I found a ray of light in Kitakyushu. This film is a testament to the power of prayer and the possibility of resurrection.

上映 第14回恵比寿映像祭2022, 東京都写真美術館 ワールドプレミア
個展「第15回資生堂アートエッグ / 重力の光」
劇場公開 シアター・イメージフォーラムを皮切りに全国劇場公開






いきなり北九州に住むと決めたとき、アタシは途方に暮れていた。こんな混沌とした状況の中で自分の人生をどう進めたらよいかわからなくなっていた し、とにかく疲れ果てていた。数年前に友人に連れられて教会に寝泊りしていた生活の記憶だけを頼りに、地元でもない土地にまた戻ってきたのは、祈りでもしないと生きてることに耐えきれなくなっていたからだと思う。


『重力の光』は、様々な背景を持ち、教会に集う老若男女たちと作り上げたイエス・キリストの十字架と復活を描いた受難劇、そしてそれぞれのインタビューで構成された映画である。生きているだけで、重力に引っ張られて下へ沈んでしまいそうな気持ちになるけれど、 祈ることで一瞬だけ重力から解放されてふわりと浮かぶことができる、その瞬間を祝福するように本作を制作した。

第15回shiseido art egg 石原海展「重力の光」(2021年)展示風景