‘The Pioneer’ Trailer

The Pioneer 27min, 2018

International Film Festival Rotterdam 2019, Holland Official Selection
Aesthetica Film Festival 2019, UK Official Selection
Image Forum Film Festival 2018, Japan Young Perspective

Love and sadness intersect in The Pioneer, a sci-fi video installation set in an alternate Japan on the cusp of the summer Olympics. The film explores the universal experience of forgetting, juxtaposed against the individual plight of the narrator’s mother, whose condition has steadily declined over the years in an extended, increasingly despondent struggle with early-onset Alzheimer’s. The Pioneer is a love letter to this forgetful mother, a simultaneous symbol of infinite sadness and unparalleled beauty.

In a dystopian Japan, scientists have developed a new pill hailed as the ultimate forget-me-not. Although the miracle drug transforms society by warding off memory loss, it inexplicably has no effect on the narrator’s mother, a patient with early-onset Alzheimer’s. Deemed a threat to national security, the mother is taken into custody and sequestered away, compelling her daughter to embark on a searching journey back through the fog of memory.




exhibition view

The Pionner  邦題: 忘却の先駆者

Director : Umi Ishihara
Cast : Erina Nakagawa, Gaku Imamura, Kyoko Shishikura, Mori Masahiro
Cinematographer: Charlie Hillhouse
Sound design: Takuya Kawakami
Hair and Make up: Mutsuki
27min, 2018
Sound by DJ Ibon